Thursday 31 July 2014

Chosen ideas

From my thumbnail exploring and discussions in class I narrowed my ideas down to six main concepts

the idea behind this one is a play on words ( pun) of don't just bobble along or in other words don't just agree with everything/ dont but silly like a bobble head, placement of the font vote on staring weel    

Stop living in your bubble eg stop living in a illusion/ fanstay world of everything will being ok.
positive take on a message eg your vote can make a difference. I want the imagery to be catching to the eye and unusual until you read the voting message and they connect together.      

My idea behind this thumbnail is a non realting photograph vs with the text.  

similar to the bubble idea some one being trapped from the outside word with there negative views on voting eg stop bottling up your ideas on how the country could be better every voice counts 

Act your age is targeted towards the youth since they are the largest % of non voters I want to create a image that is funny but also cringe worthy so that it  catchs the eye. with a powerful message of growing up and taking responsibility of your future   

We control them making john key or some one who looks like a paralment member being controlled by an everyday kiwi / young voter, the concept behind this idea is use your vote to control them they are the puppets we pull the strings if we vote